Restorative Care
Biomimetic Indirect Restoration
A traditional indirect restoration is a one that is made outside of your mouth and then cemented onto your tooth, i.e. crowns, bridges, veneers, onlays, inlays. The approach with a Biomimetic Indirect Restoration is one where more of your natural tooth structure is preserved and only infected tooth structure is removed, eliminating the need for full crowns. This technique is much less destructive and harmful than the conventional crown preparation—a method that requires a dentist to amputate healthy tooth to make room for a crown. Biomimetic Indirect Restorations are tooth conservative. This means Dr. Waite will rebuild your tooth using inlays and onlays accompanied with correct bonding to create a natural structure that will function just like your other teeth. These methods create less sensitivity, as well as a significantly decreased chance of suffering irreversible damage to your tooth’s nerve and the subsequent need for a root canal.

The New Approach to Crowns
At Aspen Ridge Dental Care, we approach crowns in a different way because of our advanced training in Biomimetic Dentistry.
Traditional Crown Methods are Harmful to Your Existing Tooth
A traditional crown is a covering that sits on top of a tooth nub. It requires a dentist to amputate most of your existing tooth structure in order to “fit” a crown on top. This amputation of natural tooth structure leaves it weak and exposed, vulnerable to cracking and infection. It often also leads to tooth-nerve death and pain. Recent studies show that between 30 and 40 percent of teeth prepared for crowns using traditional methods end up needing root canals because of the trauma caused by the amputation. For these reasons, Dr. Waite uses new methods instead of the traditional crown technique taught in most dental schools.
Biomimetic Approach to Crowns – A Natural Way
Dr. Waite now offers an amputation-free crown treatment of problematic teeth, a healthier and more natural approach to your dental wellbeing. This technique also means you are no longer required to wear a temporary crown—while waiting for your final crown to be fabricated in a lab. Instead, Dr. Waite will reconstruct your tooth using advanced adhesive techniques and biomaterials to seal out all bacteria and rebuild a tooth that reacts to the pressures and demands of your bite as nature intended.

Give your mouth the best chance at long-term success. Contact us today to find out more about how Biomimetic Dentistry benefits you and keeps you smiling brighter, healthier and longer. Call 719-282-3400.